How it works

Working with us

The business valuation process begins with an initial discussion. During this discussion, the client can provide an overview of their business and the purpose of the valuation. Spardata will discuss the available valuation options and provide initial guidance on the process.

Determine interest to be valued.
We will work with you to identify the interest(s) to be valued accurately and efficiently.
Standard of value.
Determine the standard of value such as Fair Market Value, Fair Value, Investment Value, Intrinsic Value, Book Value, etc.
Valuation date.
This is the date on which the value of an interest is established.
Determining the purpose for the valuation.
Initial discussion with spardata

What's next?

Your path to valuation

Experience a seamless valuation process: transparent pricing, detailed scope, data collection, analysis, management interviews, and report delivery.

Engagement letter with transparent pricing.
After the initial discussion, we will work to prepare an engagement letter for the client. This letter outlines the scope of work, deliverables, and fees associated with the valuation. The engagement letter ensures transparency in pricing and sets clear expectations for both parties.
Document collection.
One of our valuation analysts will provide the client with a checklist of documents and information required for the valuation. These may include financial statements, tax returns, operating agreements, appraisals, and other relevant documents.
Preliminary Analysis.
Once the necessary documents are received our valuation analysts will conduct a preliminary analysis. This involves reviewing the financial statements, market data, industry trends, and any other relevant information. This gives us a preliminary understanding of the business's financial performance, market position, and other key factors that impact its value.
Management interview and questions.
To gather additional insights and clarify any uncertainties, we will schedule a management interview with the client. During this interview, our team will ask specific questions about the business's operations, strategies, competitive landscape, and growth prospects. This step helps gather firsthand information and ensures a comprehensive understanding of the business.
Draft report delivery.

Based on the information collected and analyzed SPARdata will prepare a draft valuation report. The report includes a detailed analysis of the business, valuation methodologies used, assumptions made, and the final value determination.

Upon receiving the draft report, the client has the opportunity to review the findings, ask questions, provide feedback, and address any concerns. We consider the client's input and will make any necessary adjustments to the report if required. Once the final report is ready, it is delivered to the client, providing a comprehensive and reliable valuation of their business.