What's your valuation purpose?

Spardata provides valuations for the following purposes

The valuation of a business is an essential aspect when buying or selling a company. It involves determining the monetary worth of the business based on various factors and considerations.


Buying a business
  • Assessing investment opportunities. Valuation helps buyers evaluate potential investment opportunities. By analyzing the financials, assets, and growth prospects of a business, buyers can determine if the asking price aligns with the value they expect to receive in return.
  • Calculating return on investment (ROI). Valuation provides buyers with an understanding of the business's financial health and its potential for generating future cash flows. By comparing the purchase price with the projected financial performance, buyers can assess the potential return on their investment.
  • Making informed decisions. Buyers can use the valuation report to identify the strengths, weaknesses, and risks associated with the business. This information enables them to make informed decisions regarding the viability and suitability of the acquisition


Selling a business
  • Determining the fair market value. Valuation helps the seller establish the fair market value of the business. It provides an estimate of what the business is worth in the current market conditions. This information helps the seller set a realistic asking price.
  • Negotiating power. A thorough valuation analysis strengthens the seller's position during negotiations with potential buyers. It provides the seller with a clear understanding of the business's strengths, weaknesses, and growth prospects, enabling them to justify the asking price and negotiate from a position of knowledge.
  • Tax and legal considerations. Valuation is crucial for tax and legal purposes. It determines the taxable gain or loss on the sale of the business and helps in compliance with tax regulations. It also assists in legal matters such as estate planning or partnership dissolution, where accurate valuation is required.

Buyer & Seller

For buyers and sellers
Bringing it all together. Overall, the valuation process helps both buyers and sellers make informed decisions and negotiate a fair price for the business. It takes into account various financial, operational, market, and industry factors to determine the economic value of the business.

What we cover

Valuation services essential for financing, tax, partnerships, and legal disputes.

Bank and SBA financing

Obtaining a valuation for bank and Small Business Administration (SBA) financing is a crucial step when seeking funding for a business acquisition or expansion. Banks and the SBA may require a valuation to assess the value of the business being financed, evaluate its financial health, and determine the risk associated with the loan.

By obtaining a professional valuation, business owners seeking bank or SBA financing can provide lenders with a credible and objective assessment of their business's value. This increases the chances of securing the desired financing and ensures a transparent and informed lending process.

Estate, gift and income taxes

Obtaining a valuation for estate, gift, and income tax filing purposes is a critical requirement to determine the fair market value of assets involved in these tax transactions. Valuations play a key role in assessing tax liabilities, estate planning, and compliance with tax regulations. A valuation can provide a defensible estimate of the fair market value of assets involved in these tax transactions, ensuring transparency and compliance with IRS guidelines.

Partnership buyouts

Obtaining a valuation for partnership buyout purposes involves determining the fair market value of a partner's ownership interest in a business. Valuations in partnership buyouts are crucial to establish a fair price for the departing partner's share and ensure a smooth transition of ownership.

Shareholder disputes

Obtaining a valuation for shareholder dispute purposes involves determining the fair value of a company's shares or ownership interests when disagreements arise among shareholders. Valuations in shareholder disputes are essential for resolving conflicts, facilitating a potential buyout, or establishing a fair price for a shareholder's exit.

ESOP valuation

Obtaining a valuation for Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) purposes involves determining the fair market value of a company's shares when establishing or updating an ESOP. Valuations in ESOPs are critical to ensure that employees receive a fair and accurate valuation of their shares, comply with regulatory requirements, and meet the fiduciary responsibilities of the ESOP trustee.

By obtaining a professional valuation for ESOP purposes, companies can ensure that the ESOP transaction is conducted in compliance with regulations and that employees receive a fair valuation of their shares. This helps build trust among participants, aligns with fiduciary responsibilities, and contributes to the long-term success of the ESOP.

Start up valuation

Obtaining a valuation for startup purposes involves determining the value of a newly established business or venture. Valuations for startups are crucial for various reasons, including attracting investors, negotiating equity stakes, making strategic decisions, and assessing the overall financial health of the company.

Charitable donations

Obtaining a valuation for charitable donation purposes involves determining the fair market value of a donated asset or property. Valuations for charitable donations are crucial for individuals or organizations seeking to claim a tax deduction for their charitable contributions.

Financial reporting

Obtaining a valuation for financial reporting purposes is a critical step in preparing accurate and compliant financial statements for a business. The valuation process ensures that the values assigned to assets and liabilities on the company's balance sheet reflect their fair market value.

Forensic services

Obtaining a valuation for forensic services involves determining the value of assets or entities in the context of legal disputes, investigations, or litigation. Forensic valuations are used in various situations where disputes or legal matters require a precise and well-documented assessment of value.